Message from the Director

The trading centres at the DeGroote School of Business are two of the most valuable resources available at the school. They offer a unique experiential learning environment, where students acquire insight, experience, skills and broad industry knowledge.

Powerful and sophisticated tools, the centres add realism to the classroom. They provide the opportunity for hands-on training through unique programs mentored by professors and senior industry professionals. Academic theory comes to life through “real” and simulated exercises and projects.

As a former trader, I understand the value of such a resource for training newcomers to the industry. The centres offer a superb environment to acquire skills and competencies that lead to professional competency. In addition, they provide networking opportunities, and a link between industry employers and students.

I am proud to say that many of our graduates have gone on to very successful careers in the financial services industry. This is due to the quality of education they received from the DeGroote School of Business in combination with the networking opportunities provided at the trading centres.

Dr. John Siam

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